Wyoming Becomes the 36th Stand-Your-Ground State!

Wyoming Becomes the 36th Stand-Your-Ground State!

‘There is not a doubt in my mind that Stand-Your-Ground law ONLY became law here in Wyoming because of the relentless pressure of Wyoming Gun Owners members!’ That’s what one lawmaker told me last night as the word came down that Governor Mead was taking no action on...
Don’t Let Governor Mead Veto Stand-Your-Ground Law!

Don’t Let Governor Mead Veto Stand-Your-Ground Law!

This is an emergency! We only have a day and a half left for Governor Mead to support or veto Stand-Your-Ground law. The lawmakers we have spoken to in the Capitol say this bill is the largest expansion of Second Amendment freedom in memory, maybe in the history of...
Urge Governor Mead to Sign Stand-Your-Ground Into Law!

Urge Governor Mead to Sign Stand-Your-Ground Into Law!

Thanks to all of your help, Stand-Your-Ground law has been passed by the Wyoming legislature this morning, and is now on Governor Mead’s desk awaiting his decision! But this is no time to sit back and relax. Powerful anti-gun organizations and lobbyists are,...

MAJOR Developments on Stand-Your-Ground Law!

Things are moving so fast in Cheyenne, it’s hard to put out emails fast enough! As we told you Tuesday night, the Senate took a sledgehammer to our Stand-Your-Ground law with a massive strike-after amendment that gutted key components of the bill. However, after your...
Video Update on Stand-Your-Ground Fight!

Video Update on Stand-Your-Ground Fight!

Between two committee votes, a Senate floor vote, and two votes in the House on Stand-Your-Ground law last week — saying that things have been moving fast is an understatement! And that’s why I asked our Policy Advisor, Aaron Dorr, to put together a video update...