2018 Candidate Survey

Dear Second Amendment Supporter,

Welcome to the 2018 Wyoming Gun Owners Pre-Primary Survey Results page.  We surveyed every candidate running for the Wyoming House and Senate in the 2018 election cycle, and asked them all the 9 questions listed below.

Each candidate was clearly informed that a failure to return the 2018 Wyoming Gun Owners survey or refusal to answer particular questions would be graded as an anti-gun position.

Gun owners are situated to make a huge impact by making knowledgeable choices in the primary process.  To find out what district you live in, please click HERE.

Knowing which district you live in will enable you to scroll through the results below to find out where you candidates stand on our Second Amendment.

Survey Questions:

  1. Gun free zones, falsely sold as a way to stop violent crime, have been shown to do the exact opposite. Virtually every large-scale shooting in the past few years have taken place in one of these so-called “Gun Free Zones,” often with tragic results. We’ve seen this time and time again in places like the Parkland, FL high school, the Sutherland, TX church last year, the Las Vegas, NV concert, the Orlando, FL nightclub, and dozens more! Wyoming code contains multiple areas where law abiding citizens are not allowed to carry defensive firearms – leaving them vulnerable to the whims of an armed madman. In 2017, Governor Mead vetoed our bill to repeal these ‘Gun Free Zones.’ This effort will resume during the 2019 session.

If elected, would you SUPPORT legislation that repeals so called “Gun Free Zones,” in areas where the state legislature has control, knowing that they only benefit armed madmen who are looking to rack up a body count? 

________Sponsor          _________Cosponsor           ______ No

  1. Mental health has become a back door for gun control by expanding the criteria for voluntary and involuntary mental health commitments, adding more and more people to the NCIC ‘prohibited persons’ list, often without due process and full adjudication by a court of law. Once a person’s name is placed on this list, it is virtually impossible to have it removed. In most cases this legislation, commonly referred to as ‘Red Flag Orders,’ would allow someone who has never even been convicted of a crime to have their gun rights arbitrarily taken away!

If elected, would you OPPOSE ‘Red Flag Orders’ and similar legislation that would deny law abiding Wyoming citizens their gun rights without due process through a court of law and without ever having been adjudicated as defective or convicted?

Yes_____                    No______

  1. Anti-gun organizations, often funded with out-of-state resources from Michael Bloomberg, have been clamoring for legislation to end all private party firearms transfers in Wyoming unless they submit to a federal NCIC check, thereby adding themselves and the firearm to a federal list. As we’ve seen, this legislation does little to stop crime but creates statewide databases of gun owners – which can be used against gun owners later.

If elected, would you OPPOSE “Universal Gun Registration” legislation that would ban all private party sales and makes criminals out of Wyoming gun owners who want to pass on family firearms to their children and grandchildren – and create a database of gun owners at the same time?

Yes_____                    No______

  1. In the wake of the Parkland, FL shooting, anti-gun lawmakers, the media, and Bloomberg funded activists have been screaming for a complete ban of the AR-15 (and their standard 30-round magazine) and hundreds of related firearms all because of a variety of cosmetic features. Legislation has been introduced to ban these firearms in Washington, D.C., and lawmakers here in Wyoming have talked about introducing similar legislation. This, despite the fact that all semi-automatic firearms function essentially the same way.

If elected, would you OPPOSE legislation banning the manufacture, sale or possession of semi-automatic firearms and/or large-capacity magazines, recognizing that these restrictions do nothing to stop crime but only serve to harass gun owners?

Yes _____                 No _____

  1. Various state legislatures have already passed legislation that would ban all gun rights from American citizens between the ages of 18-20. In addition, many lawmakers at the state and federal level are publicly calling for this legislation to be enacted at the state level nationwide!  This, despite the fact that these are law abiding citizens that can serve in the military, pay taxes, get married, have careers and enjoy every other aspect of being a legal adult.

If elected, would you OPPOSE legislation that would leave American citizens between the ages of 18-20 defenseless and unable to buy a firearm for self-defense? 

Yes _____                 No _____

  1. Gun control activists have long desired a mandatory 3-day waiting period before law abiding citizens would be able to exercise their 2nd Amendment freedoms and purchase a firearm for self-defense. This, despite the fact that the madmen in some of the worst mass shootings in America, like the one at Virginia Tech or the nightclub in Florida, purchased their guns AFTER submitting to these waiting periods. Of course, these waiting periods do nothing to stop violent crime and only leave law abiding citizens vulnerable during times where they need a firearm the most.

If elected, would you OPPOSE any legislation that would place unconstitutional waiting periods limiting when a law-abiding citizen in Wyoming could purchase a firearm for self-defense?

Yes_____                    No______

  1. In 2011, Wyoming enacted Constitutional Carry legislation which merely allows law abiding citizens to carry a defensive firearm without having to add their name to a government database or pay hefty fees. Wyoming is now one of a dozen states that have also become Constitutional Carry states. But in the recent past, many gun control organizations have called for a repeal of this important legislation.

If elected, would you OPPOSE any legislation that would repeal Wyoming’s hard-won Constitutional Carry law?

_____Yes                    ______ No

  1. During the 2018 legislative session, Wyoming enacted Stand-Your-Ground law, which allows innocent citizens to defend themselves from violent criminals without having to retreat first. Absent this legislation, gun owners could be arrested and prosecuted for not retreating an arbitrary number of steps before defending themselves or their loved ones. That’s why it is important that the Wyoming legislature oppose any attempt to repeal Stand-Your-Ground law.

If elected, would you OPPOSE any legislation that would repeal Wyoming’s Stand-Your-Ground law?

_____Yes                    ______ No

  1. In the recent past, multiple cases have come to light where a gun owner has had his permit to carry application denied based, in part, on the nebulous definition of ‘prior contact with law enforcement.’ This denial is not based solely on a criminal conviction, but is often done so based on the opinions of the county sheriff or Chief of Police. Further, the chief law enforcement officer is not required to provide the applicant with a written report wherein he documents the reasons for his opinion. As a result, it is almost impossible for a gun owner to properly appeal this decision with the Department of Criminal Investigations or the court, as he has no idea why the permit was denied in the first place.

If elected, would you SUPPORT legislation that would require any permit denial to be documented in writing, including all input from local law enforcement, so that an applicant can make a proper appeal to the Department of Criminal Investigations?

_____Yes                    ______ No

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