Gun Bills on the Move in Cheyenne!

Gun Bills on the Move in Cheyenne!

With little fanfare, HB 136 and HB 137 were passed through the Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday by a vote of 4 to 1!Senator Liisa Anselmi-Dalton was the lone no vote. Remember, the Senate hasn’t moved a single gun bill here in Wyoming in five years. Clearly your...
They Are Voting Tomorrow!

They Are Voting Tomorrow!

Earlier today we sent you an email about an upcoming vote in the Senate Judiciary Committee on HB 136 and HB 137, our bills to repeal “Gun Free Zones” here in Wyoming. Since then, we’ve learned that the committee will be meeting TOMORROW MORNING at 8am! WyGo...
‘Poison Pill’ Legislation May Undermine Pro-Gun Bill!

‘Poison Pill’ Legislation May Undermine Pro-Gun Bill!

I have good news and bad news to report. Thanks to your calls and emails, the disastrous and deadly bill proposed by Rep. Connolly to mandate a 3-day waiting period for firearm purchases has been killed in committee. Thanks to your loud voices and our boots on the...
BREAKING NEWS: Gun Bills Pass Judiciary Committee!

BREAKING NEWS: Gun Bills Pass Judiciary Committee!

We have “Breaking News” from the Wyoming Capitol! Just moments ago, both gun bills — HB136 and HB137 — “Campus Carry” and “Repeal Gun Free Zones” legislation passed through the House Judiciary Committee! In a vote of 6-3, “Campus Carry” passed, and in a...