‘Poison Pill’ Legislation May Undermine Pro-Gun Bill!

‘Poison Pill’ Legislation May Undermine Pro-Gun Bill!

I have good news and bad news to report. Thanks to your calls and emails, the disastrous and deadly bill proposed by Rep. Connolly to mandate a 3-day waiting period for firearm purchases has been killed in committee. Thanks to your loud voices and our boots on the...
Bad News in Cheyenne — Act Now!

Bad News in Cheyenne — Act Now!

(First off, if you didn’t see our earlier alert about Rep. Eklund’s Trojan Horse gun bill, HB194, make sure you read that and take action on that immediately!) In the meantime, imagine that your adult daughter has caught the attention of a crazed stalker and goes to...
BREAKING NEWS: Gun Bills Pass Judiciary Committee!

BREAKING NEWS: Gun Bills Pass Judiciary Committee!

We have “Breaking News” from the Wyoming Capitol! Just moments ago, both gun bills — HB136 and HB137 — “Campus Carry” and “Repeal Gun Free Zones” legislation passed through the House Judiciary Committee! In a vote of 6-3, “Campus Carry” passed, and in a...
Committee Hearings On Tuesday!

Committee Hearings On Tuesday!

You’ve got two days! Our legislation to repeal deadly “Gun Free Zones” and to authorize “Campus Carry” are going to be heard in the House Judiciary Committee THIS TUESDAY! This means that you’ve got only a few days to contact the members of the Judiciary Committee...