Tell Barraso and Lumis to STOP ‘Red Flags’ in the Military!

Tell Barraso and Lumis to STOP ‘Red Flags’ in the Military!

Gun owners across the country have been fighting back against ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ legislation in state legislatures and the United States Congress for four long years, and largely winning! While things change fast in Congress, at this very moment, Joe Biden and the...
Communist China Wants You to Submit!

Communist China Wants You to Submit!

Joe Biden is in love with the UN Small Arms Treaty. With his boy David Chipman getting blown out of the water as the possible director for ATF, Biden is looking for any win he can manufacture to please the gun grabbers who elected him. And adding America as a...
Liz Cheney’s Vote to Force Red Flags on Our Military!

Liz Cheney’s Vote to Force Red Flags on Our Military!

‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ legislation is the most dangerous threat facing gun owners today for the simple fact that it allows a liberal judge to order the confiscation of your firearms before you’ve been arrested, tried, or convicted of anything. In most cases, a bogus...
Communist China Wants You to Submit!

Urgent: Biden Pushing America Into U.N. Small Arms Treaty!

If you thought that Joe Biden was no longer a threat — that his disastrous handling of Afghanistan would make him take a step back and question his sanity — I have some bad news for you. Joe Biden’s State Department just returned from a trip to Europe...
Wyoming State Senator Larry Hicks

Wyoming State Senator Larry Hicks

While Missouri and other states took action this year and passed the Second Amendment Preservation Act, ensuring that federal gun control laws would not be enforced in these states, Wyoming did not. On the contrary, WYGO’s SAPA legislation was destroyed by a cabal of...
200 More Agents to Enforce Biden’s Gun Control!

200 More Agents to Enforce Biden’s Gun Control!

With every passing day, the radical socialists that run our country become the very tyrants our Founders warned us about. You’ve already heard all about madman David Chipman, a life-long gun control shill and Joe Biden’s pick to head the ATF. And you already know that...