State Representative Dan Laursen doesn’t back down.
When House Speaker Steve Harshman tried to lock our Gun Free Zone repeal legislation in his desk (yes, literally) in 2019, it was Dan Laursen who used the rules of the House to FORCE the Speaker to allow a vote on this critical legislation.
The moment he did that, Dan Laursen was a marked man.
The moderates in Cheyenne singled Laursen out for a primary in Park County’s House District 25 as a way to punish him for standing up for gun owners and exposing anti-gun Republicans by forcing their hand on H.B. 183.
But as anyone who knows him will tell you, Laursen didn’t get into politics to please lobbyists and moderates in Cheyenne — he did it to FIGHT for the Second Amendment!
Now Dan Laursen has signed his WYGO candidate survey 100% pro-gun, promising to continue fighting to defend our great Second Amendment in Cheyenne from gun-grabbers on the liberal left and the moderate right.
If you would like to watch this ad on Facebook where thousands of your fellow gun owners have already seen it (so that you can share it on your social media platforms,) you can do that here.
We are hoping to make sure that every gun owner in this district sees this digital ad. We’ve locked in an initial ad buy but could greatly increase that with your help.
Digital ads on Facebook allow for unprecedented micro-targeting (by geography and personal interest) which ensures that the right people are seeing these ads in the right zip codes.
These digital ads also maximize your donor dollars by getting this message in front of gun owners at the lowest cost of any advertising media — sometimes for as little as $.02 per view!
A donation of $50, for example, can put this ad in front of 1,000 gun owners in House District 25.
For $100, almost 2,500 people will learn about Representative Laursen’s strong support of the Second Amendment!
$250 will allow over 6,000 gun owners to see this ad, and that number will rise as they share it on their own social media platforms.
And for $500 or $1,000, you can rest assured that tens of thousands of gun owners are going to be armed with the facts before they cast a ballot in this primary!
Many WYGO members already know that Dan Laursen is a champion for gun owners, but we need your help to make sure everyone in this district sees this ad, while there is still time.
For every time you’ve seen a pro-gun bill die in the last few years in Cheyenne, donate.
For every time you’ve worried about Wyoming’s continued slide to the left as moderates in Cheyenne work to make us the next Colorado, donate.
And for every time you’ve wondered if your children and grandchildren will enjoy the same freedoms that you and I enjoy, donate.
Whatever you do, please share this ad by forwarding this email or putting the ad on your Facebook page.
For Wyoming,

Aaron Dorr
Policy Advisor
Wyoming Gun Owners
P.S. Representative Dan Laursen is a fighter for our precious Second Amendment freedoms. That’s made Laursen a ‘marked man’ in Cheyenne.
In fact, the establishment made sure to run a primary against Laursen in an attempt to teach him and other conservative leaders in the Capitol a lesson.
Wyoming Gun Owners has just released a digital ad in this race, and I wanted to make sure that you saw it right away!
To watch this on Facebook so you can share it, go here.
To watch this on YouTube, go here.
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