The Second Amendment Preservation Act

In 2018, Wyoming Gun Owners members were the powerhouse that helped us pass the nation’s leading Stand-Your-Ground law over the objections of then Governor Matt Mead and countless moderates in Cheyenne.

In 2020, Wyoming Gun Owners members shocked the state by giving WYGO the resources we needed to expose dozens of anti-gun moderates during the primary using radio, TV, digital ads and more. Almost a dozen moderates lost their jobs.

In 2021, Wyoming Gun Owners members helped WYGO finally rid the state of the residency requirement that limited the impact of our decade old Constitutional Carry law.

I could go on. You see, every single victory that WYGO has had in over a decade of fighting for the Second Amendment has been because of our members who give us the ammo we need to fight with! And our Sentinel Members are leading this fight!


Over the last couple of weeks, we have been telling you about the various perks offered with Wyoming Gun Owners’ Sentinel Membership program.

This monthly donor program allows WYGO to have a year-round budget to use as we fight for the Second Amendment. What’s more, as we told you in previous emails, Sentinel Memberships come with shirts, hats, hoodies, polos and more as our way of saying ‘Thank You’ for your generosity.

But the main perk for the Sentinel Members who I have spoken with is the satisfaction in knowing that their support is ensuring that Wyoming doesn’t become the next Colorado — that Wyoming stays free!

You see, when WYGO was founded in 2010, the moderates in Cheyenne laughed, convinced that we wouldn’t last the first year.

And honestly, most state-level gun rights organizations never get off the ground. The ones that do are most often totally sold-out to the establishment, usually covering for the politicians in the legislature, rather than fighting for their members.

But WYGO isn’t like most state level gun rights organizations. And WYGO members damn sure aren’t in the business of kissing backsides in Cheyenne, ‘just as long as they are Republican!’

No. Twelve years later Wyoming Gun Owners is the DRIVING FORCE FOR FREEDOM in the state! The moderates who laughed at us are now scared to death of WYGO members who have thrown dozen of anti-gun Republicans out of office and passed major gun rights legislation along the way!


And that’s why I hope you’ll consider joining WYGO (or upgrading your WYGO membership) at a Sentinel Level today, so that we can fight harder, nastier, and even more effectively next session.

You see, the next fight that WYGO members need to win is the fight for the Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA) before Joe Biden can pass federal gun control, or attack us with Executive Orders.

SAPA legislation would require Wyoming cops to enforce Wyoming laws when it comes to firearms, ammunition, and accessories. More important, it would require Wyoming cops to IGNORE federal gun control laws leaving them unenforced!

This is the ONLY WAY to effectively shut down Biden’s gun control agenda, but the moderates in Cheyenne hate it, and they will be fighting us every step of the way next session.

Your Sentinel Membership will ensure that WYGO has the money we need to run the hard-hitting radio, digital and TV ads that we’re going to use to get the attention of every last moderate in Cheyenne!


 Not everyone is cut out to be a WYGO Sentinel Member.

People who think that the Second Amendment is ok, ‘but no one needs an AR-15 or a 30-round magazine’ should not apply to become a Sentinel Member.

People who think that Republicans are always pro-gun and that our primary job is to protect them instead of our gun rights, should not apply to become a Sentinel Member.

And anyone who says, ‘the only people who are opposed to universal background checks are people with something to hide’ should definitely not apply to become a Sentinel Member!

The enemies that we are facing in D.C. and in Cheyenne are not your garden variety gun-grabbers anymore, and WYGO is dang sure not your garden variety gun rights organization!

But if you have a burning in your heart to ensure that the freedoms your forefathers and grandfathers passed down to you survive for the next generation, join us!

If you know that backstabbing moderates on the ‘right’ are every bit as dangerous to our gun rights as the socialist left is, then join us!

And if you know that the tactics of defending the Second Amendment from twenty years ago are outdated, and agree that gun owners need to be absolutely brutal on anti-gun politicians at election time, then I hope that you’ll join us!


Sentinel Memberships are just $17.76 a month and come with a pile of swag that I described above.

If you want to become a monthly supporter of Wyoming Gun Owners but simply can’t afford $17.76 per month at this time, please note you can still support us monthly at a lower level and receive decals and other items from us. Learn more here.

Thank you, to every single WYGO member across the state who has helped us fight for freedom over the last twelve years. With your continued support, we’ll be leading this fight for decades to come!

For Wyoming,

Aaron Dorr
Policy Advisor
Wyoming Gun Owners

P.S. Wyoming Gun Owners is leading the fight for freedom in Cheyenne and WYGO’s Sentinel Members are the tip of this spear as their monthly support allows us to fight year round!

Sentinel Memberships are $17.76 a month and will make sure that we have the ammo we need to fight for the Second Amendment Preservation Act next session.


These exclusive memberships come with shirts, hats, polos, hoodies and more so get signed up right away!