Tell Wyoming’s House and Senate Leaders You Want Action on SAPA!

The legislature is coming back from their self-imposed ‘Covid break’ next week, which means NOW is the perfect time to be flooding them with emails demand action on SAPA legislation!

You see, in ‘red states’ all over America, pro-gun lawmakers are taking bold action in the face of Joe Biden’s threatened attacks on our freedom, passing pro-gun legislation as fast as they can.

In South Dakota, multiple bills dealing with limiting the Executive Branch’s power to curtail gun rights during a disaster have cleared committee and are headed to the floor for a vote!  

In Missouri, the Second Amendment Preservation Act (H.B. 85) has cleared the House of Representatives and is awaiting action in the State Senate.

In Iowa, the House and Senate have passed a Right to Keep and Bear Arms Constitutional Amendment that will go before the voters next fall.

In Utah and Montana, Constitutional Carry passed the legislature and was signed into law by the Governor in both states.

Now it’s time that the Wyoming legislature do the same thing and take bold actions for our gun rights by passing the Second Amendment Preservation Act!

Tell the Politicians in Cheyenne to Pass SAPA!

As a reminder, the Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA) would shut down Joe Biden’s gun control agenda here in Wyoming by requiring Wyoming peace officers to enforce Wyoming laws where firearms, ammo, and accessories are concerned.

A federal AR-15 ban would fall flat on its face in Wyoming.

So would a federal magazine ban law, a federal ban on the .50 caliber rifle, a federal law demanding psychiatric tests for gun owners and anything else that comes out of the bowels of the Biden White House!

And this is no fantasy legislation.

SAPA legislation is based off the Constitutional anti-commandeering doctrine which states that the federal government may not simply ‘commandeer’ the states’ sovereign authority, forcing them to enforce federal laws.

What’s more, the U.S. Supreme Court has upheld the right of the states to nullify (ignore) federal law in decisions that stretch back hundreds of years! See more on that here and here.

So it’s clear Wyoming can ignore Biden’s gun control mandates, the only question is whether or not the legislature will pass the bill, or kill like they’ve done so many times before.


As we’ve told you, Senator Anthony Bouchard and Representative Dan Laursen have filed SAPA legislation in both chambers (S.F. 81 and H.B. 124) and there’s no bigger priority for gun owners!

In his press release eight days ago, Joe Biden made it clear that he is 100% committed to making it a crime for you to buy an AR-15 or any magazine that holds over ten rounds of ammunition.

What’s more, he and Nancy Pelosi are desperately trying to pass a national gun registration program, via ‘Universal Background Checks!’

This isn’t just talk — these are real threats.

That’s why it’s high time that the Wyoming legislature pass S.F. 81/H.B. 124 and provide protections to gun owners in Wyoming!

Please send this PRE-WRITTEN EMAIL to your State Senator and State Representative immediately and tell him that you want to see action on these bills when they return!

 When you’re done, please donate to Wyoming Gun Owners so that we can continue to fight for SAPA and to expose the dreadful gun control bills that are being pushed in the legislature.

We are on the ground fighting for you, but we need your help!

So please make a generous donation today!

For Wyoming,

Aaron Dorr
Policy Advisor
Wyoming Gun Owners 

P.S. With the legislature coming back into session next week, it’s urgent that you send this PRE-WRITTEN EMAIL to your State Representative and State Senator, insisting that they take action on the Second Amendment Preservation Act! 

Tell the Politicians in Cheyenne to Pass SAPA!

This legislation (S.F. 81/H.B. 124) would nullify Joe Biden’s gun control agenda here in Wyoming be requiring Wyoming peace officers to only enforce Wyoming laws where our guns, ammunition, and accessories are concerned.

Send your email now, and then make a generous donation to Wyoming Gun Owners so that we can keep fighting for you!