DETAILS REVEALED: The Full Story on WYGO’s Federal Lawsuit!

The federal lawsuit that WYGO filed against the State of Wyoming just ended, with a smashing victory for us!

For thirty-six months, I have wanted to tell you more of the details of what was going on. But, on the advice of our lawyers, I couldn’t.

That’s all changed now.

Below is the full-length story of this case. It contains a full cast of characters, a detailed timeline, the political backdrop, and a heck of a lot more. Watch the video below!

While this is WYGO’s victory, it’s really a victory for free speech and everyone who lives in the 10th Circuit — including Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Kansas, and Oklahoma.

You’d think that the legislature — just having their campaign finance law struck down by the Federal Circuit Court — would show a little humility.

But nothing could be further from the truth.

Just last week, the Corporations, Elections, and Political Subdivision Committee held a hearing on a new version of this law that is way worse than the law the court just struck down!

The RINOs in Cheyenne have the same goal today that they had in 2020: silencing all political opposition.

WYGO won’t let that happen.

But we need your help.

Stand with us!


Thank you for your continued support of this organization!

For Wyoming,

Aaron Dorr
Policy Advisor
Wyoming Gun Owners