Alert: Urge Congresswoman Hageman to Co-Sponsor HR 374!

Joe Biden has two main weapons in his war against gun owners: the ATF and the National Firearms Act. Both need to go!

Consider the ATF.

ATF agents are like the registered sex-offenders of the Second Amendment. They exist only to molest the Second Amendment. They serve no legitimate function; the entire agency is a violation of the 10th Amendment and a threat to puppies everywhere.

These days, Biden has the ATF enforcing violations of the National Firearms Act of 1934.

The NFA Act is less of a law and more of a shoebox.

Anytime the White House wants to declare a firearm accessory illegal, they open up the NFA shoebox, put another item inside of it, and then say it’s a crime to possess it.

It’s absolute tyranny.

There is no vote in Congress.

One day an item is legal, the next day it’s not.

Think pistol braces, bump stock bans, homemade firearms, certain trigger configurations, and more.

The bottom line is that it’s high time the ATF was abolished, and the National Firearms Act was repealed! Thankfully, there are bills in Congress right now to do exactly that!


Congress is filled with members who campaign on the Second Amendment every two or six years, and then do nothing once they are elected. Or, worse, they betray the gun owners who elected them.

One of the ways you can tell if your Representative is pro-gun or not is by seeing if he or she will cosponsor these bills.

Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz is the lead sponsor of H.R. 374. And Missouri Congressman Eric Burlison is leading the fight on H.R. 450. But they are not alone.

Pro-gun leaders in the House like Andy Ogles (R-FL), Andy Biggs (R-AZ), Paul Gosar (R-AZ), Barry Moore (A-AL), Mary Miller (R-IL), Mike Collins (R-GA), Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL), Lauren Boebert (R-CO), and others are backing these bills!

So far, Congresswoman Hageman has co-sponsored H.R. 450 to Repeal the NFA.

But now we need her to co-sponsor H.R. 374 and help us abolish the ATF!

If you agree, take action by sending Congresswoman Hageman the PRE-WRITTEN EMAIL that we’ve prepared for you below.


I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of gun owners doing their part, electing a GOP majority in Congress, only to have nothing to show for it two years later.

We want legislators to fight for the Second Amendment!

Tell her that: send the email that we’ve prepared for you above. Then make a donation to help us fight for you!


Gaetz, Burlison, Boebert, Biggs, Gosar, and many others in Congress are fighting for us…but they need help.

Take action TODAY!

For Wyoming,

Aaron Dorr
Policy Advisor
Wyoming Gun Owners