The 2022 Legislative Session is Underway: Take Action!

The 2022 session of the Wyoming Legislature has officially kicked off here in Cheyenne, and with this being an election year, EVERYTHING IS ON THE LINE!

As always, Wyoming Gun Owners will be leading the fight in the legislature to defend and expand your right to keep and bear arms all year long — and giving you action alerts so that you can help us fight!

But as you know, this is a shortened budget Session in Cheyenne this year. That means that if a bill is going to be voted on, it MUST be referred to Committee by this Friday!

While there are always a variety of gun bills that are important to WYGO members, the main fight this session will be over the Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA.)

SAPA would protect gun owners here in Wyoming from Biden’s overreach, by requiring Wyoming cops to enforce Wyoming laws when it comes to firearms, ammunition, and accessories.

And there’s no time to waste. Biden’s two Executive Orders attacking our gun rights are going to take effect in June and August, banning pistol braces and requiring all homemade firearms (80% lower receiver builds) be registered with the federal government!


These sweeping Executive Orders could make thousands of Wyomingites felons over night! And this is why Wyoming needs the Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA)!

To recap, SAPA law would require Wyoming cops to only enforce laws passed by the Wyoming legislature where it concerns our firearms, ammunition, and accessories. And without state and local authorities enforcing Joe Biden’s tyranny, any federal gun control would go largely unenforced here in Wyoming!


Wyoming Gun Owners is already working with Senator Anthony Bouchard to advance this legislation. But I hope you’ll email your lawmakers today and urge them to refer and cosponsor this legislation.

Wyoming is at a crossroads right now.

If Joe Biden continues to use Executive Orders to force his gun control agenda on Wyomingites, we are going to slide further away from the freedoms our state was founded on.

But if we can defend pass SAPA, we will be sending a message to the legislature and the media that freedom is alive and well here in Wyoming!

Please help us do that, by sending the PRE-WRITTEN EMAIL above and then making a donation to help Wyoming Gun Owners fight for you in Cheyenne this year!

For Wyoming,

Aaron Dorr
Policy Advisor
Wyoming Gun Owners

P.S. The 2022 session of the Wyoming Legislature is underway here in Cheyenne and there is already a major fight underway that will impact gun owners!

And as you know, this is a shortened budget session in Cheyenne this year, so we need SAPA legislation referred to Committee IMMEDIATELY if we’re going to ever pass before session ends.

Please help us fight to pass SAPA law, by sending your lawmakers this pre-written email!

Then make a donation to Wyoming Gun Owners, so that we can fight for you in Cheyenne!

Donate here.