Left to right:
Paul Meyer new Mayor of Casper (has historically voted for gun control)
Kenyne Schlager former mayor Casper and NLC committee person
Paul Bertoglio Casper city council and past president of WAM
And she will do this while hiding behind an elite status in the Republican Party…
Schlager successfully passed a ban on lawfully armed citizens in the Casper city hall.
She also led the fight to install a “key-stroke gun registration system” — using a national registry — that was developed using Federal Homeland Security grants.
But, what I am about to reveal to you now about Casper’s Mayor, is something you will not hear anywhere else.
*** Kenyne Schlager is a ‘hands on’ activist for a “socialist – anti-gun” lobby group. In fact Schlager was chosen to work on the National League of Cities gun control policy team.
Just how anti-gun is the NLC?
Take a look at the demands of the NLC gun control resolution here — 2013 Public Safety & Crime Prevention Policy and Resolution:
*** Require registration of all hand guns ***
*** Ban on Black Rifles ***
*** 30-day waiting period ***
*** Sales and transfers only by gun dealers ***
*** Closing the so-called gun show loop hole ***
*** Limit magazines capacity to 10 rounds ***

WAM — official statement about their partnership with NLC:
According to their website WAM is also affiliated with Wyoming Association of Sheriffs and Chiefs of Police or WASCOP — another organization that lobbies heavily against your gun rights.
To understand how the NLC is operating in the Mountain West — watch this news video report from neighboring South Dakota.
Sadly the transformational change of America — is being brokered right here in Wyoming too.
You can help by contributing $100, $75, $50 or any amount you can afford.
Remember, I need your support to keep Wyoming’sonly No-Compromise Gun Rights Organization ready for battle.
Also, you can renew your membership for 2014 here.
To Liberty,
Anthony Bouchard
Executive Director
Wyoming Gun Owners