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The Latest News & Information from Wyoming Gun Owners

The ATF Director Said What?

The ATF Director Said What?

Did you hear what ATF Director Steve Dettelbach admitted at a recent committee hearing? You'll ... Read More
Video: Do These 5 Things If the ATF Knocks On Your Door!

Video: Do These 5 Things If the ATF Knocks On Your Door!

By now many of you have seen the video of ATF agents -- in conjunction ... Read More
Breaking: SCOTUS to Consider Major Gun Rights Case!

Breaking: SCOTUS to Consider Major Gun Rights Case!

For decades now, the Lautenberg Amendment has been held up by the Left as justification ... Read More
⚠️⚠️ Biden is Trying to Bribe Wyoming to Pass Red Flags Laws...

⚠️⚠️ Biden is Trying to Bribe Wyoming to Pass Red Flags Laws…

As we’ve told you recently, the State of Wyoming has recently received over half a ... Read More
Video: Biden's Attempt to Add Four Justices to the Supreme Court!

Video: Biden’s Attempt to Add Four Justices to the Supreme Court!

Over the last two years, conservatives in general and gun owners in particular have won ... Read More
Video: Hunter Biden and the Weaponization of Law Enforcement!

Video: Hunter Biden and the Weaponization of Law Enforcement!

One of the defining characteristics of America, that made us the envy of the world ... Read More
🚨🚨 Wyoming Receives Almost a Million to Enforce Red Flag Laws!

🚨🚨 Wyoming Receives Almost a Million to Enforce Red Flag Laws!

I don’t like being proven right when it means bad things for our Second Amendment ... Read More
Must Read: Details on H.R. 3422!

Must Read: Details on H.R. 3422!

Court packing. It might sound about as exciting as watching the House Budget Committee meet ... Read More
4 More Liberal Judges on the Supreme Court!

4 More Liberal Judges on the Supreme Court!

For most of my life, the Supreme Court was a coin toss. Sometimes they would ... Read More
What We Actually Celebrate on Independence Day!

What We Actually Celebrate on Independence Day!

On this day, 247 years ago, our nation adopted the Declaration of Independence, telling the ... Read More
Must Watch: WYGO’s 4th of July Video!

Must Watch: WYGO’s 4th of July Video!

I wanted you to see it from me first!  As a member and supporter of ... Read More
Hunter Biden, Hypocrisy, and the Weaponization of Law Enforcement!

Hunter Biden, Hypocrisy, and the Weaponization of Law Enforcement!

Peaceful pro-life activists having their homes raided by FBI SWAT teams at 5:00am, with guns ... Read More
What We Actually Celebrate on Independence Day!

What We Actually Celebrate on Independence Day!

For years, elements of the gun rights community (not our members) scoffed when we warned about gun ... Read More
BREAKING: Vote Happening This Morning on Pistol Brace!

BREAKING: Vote Happening This Morning on Pistol Brace!

There is going to be a major vote on Capitol Hill today in the Senate ... Read More
🚨🚨 Trying to Overturn Wyoming’s Stand-Your-Ground Law!

🚨🚨 Trying to Overturn Wyoming’s Stand-Your-Ground Law!

If you had asked me a few years ago which law the Left hates most ... Read More
Top Three Threats We Are Facing in Congress...

Top Three Threats We Are Facing in Congress…

The last few weeks have been intense. Our Tyrant-in-Chief is demanding that we agree to ... Read More
Dangerous: Gov. Newsom Reveals Plans for 28th Amendment!

Dangerous: Gov. Newsom Reveals Plans for 28th Amendment!

If there is one good thing that has come out of the Radical Left’s war ... Read More
Video: Major Decision from the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals!

Video: Major Decision from the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals!

The fight for gun rights is changing, for the better. Since the Supreme Court’s Heller ... Read More
🚨 🚨 Help Us Drag Joe Biden into Court (Pistol Brace Update!)

🚨 🚨 Help Us Drag Joe Biden into Court (Pistol Brace Update!)

Wyoming Gun Owners will be dragging Joe Biden and the ATF into court as soon ... Read More
FWD: MATT GAETZ leads revolt in Congress

FWD: MATT GAETZ leads revolt in Congress

Earlier today, our national affiliate -- the American Firearms Association -- put out a critical ... Read More

We're standing up for gun rights in 2024 — are you?