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Don’t Let the House Kill SF-109!

WYGO’s legislation to ban ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures’ passed the Senate on Tuesday and the House Travel Committee Thursday! Now it’s ready for a vote in the full House!

But there are already efforts underway to severely weaken this legislation with harmful amendments that RINOs in the House are planning to offer. And Speaker Sommers may simply choose to not schedule the bill for a vote.

SF-109 would ban ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures’ in Wyoming, and would enact civil penalties, allowing you to sue any agency who violates this law in civil court for damages!

But time is running out here in Cheyenne, as session ends next week.

Please send an updated PRE-WRITTEN EMAIL to your State Representative (and Speaker Sommers) urging them to put this bill on the floor and to oppose all amendments!

Once you’ve done that, take the next step and become a member of Wyoming Gun Owners so we can keep fighting for you in Cheyenne! Get involved at!