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Don’t Let the Senate Kill HB-125!

Don’t Let the Senate Kill HB-125!

While HB-125 doesn’t go as far as WYGO would prefer, it’s based on longstanding WYGO ...
Don’t Let the House Kill SF-109!

Don’t Let the House Kill SF-109!

WYGO’s legislation to ban ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures’ passed the Senate on Tuesday and the ...
Tell McCarthy to Stand Up for Our 2A Rights, Not Anti-Gun Republicans!

Tell McCarthy to Stand Up for Our 2A Rights, Not Anti-Gun Republicans!

There’s ONLY one Congressman who hates the Second Amendment as much as Joe Biden and ...
Help Us Repeal the NFA!

Help Us Repeal the NFA!

Joe Biden and the tyrants at the ATF are using the National Firearms Act (NFA) ...

Oppose Gun Control—Sign Your Petition!

Help Us CRUSH Biden’s Gun Control Mega Bill!

Help Us CRUSH Biden’s Gun Control Mega Bill!

Joe Biden’s allies in Congress have just filed the BIGGEST gun control bill in American ...
Biden wants a 1,000% tax on guns!

Biden wants a 1,000% tax on guns!

With the Supreme Court ruling in Bruen that the Radical Left cannot ban our firearms ...
Don’t Let Biden Pack the Supreme Court!

Don’t Let Biden Pack the Supreme Court!

In the wake of the Supreme Court’s Bruen decision — and the dozens of lower ...
‘VOTE NO’ on ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ Legislation!

‘VOTE NO’ on ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ Legislation!

Whereas:   ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures’ are an unconstitutional attack on my freedoms because they allow ...

Member Input—Take Action!

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